Template Setup


This is the easiest way to use the template. Head over to the Releases page and grab the latest version of the template. Create a directory, where you will write your paper. Create a file with the .tex extension, e.g. document.tex. The directory structure should look like this:


Done! (Still you have to get the required images as described below.)

GitHub Template


Please ensure you are allowed to use GitHub.

Go to the templates repository and click the green "Use this template" button. Follow the instructions. Afterwards clone your repository and create a file with the .tex extension, e.g. document.tex. The directory structure should similar to the one described in the Download section.

Git Submodule

Read about submodules. Create an empty repository and add this one as a submodule. Create a document.tex in the main repository. This approach allows you to always use the newest version of the template by executing git pull in the submodule's directory. You can receive notifications when the template's repository is updated by clicking on the "Watch" button. To add the submodule directory to the LaTeX search path add the absolute path of the template directory to the TEXINPUTS environment variable before compiling.

Systemwide installation

Clone the templates repository somewhere on your computer. To add the templates directory to the LaTeX search path add the absolute path of the template directory to the TEXINPUTS environment variable before compiling.

Get the required images

You need an image of your signature. Put it in the subfolder 'images' as signature.png of your project.